Heart of Darkness
"Heart of Darkness" is a short novel written by Joseph Conrad in 1899.The novel follows the journey of Charles Marlow, a captain of a river vessel tasked with sailing up the Congo River to find Kurtz, an European agent who has become a legend for his madness. Marlow's journey reflects the darkness of the human soul and the ambiguities of Western civilization. Kurtz embodies the heart of human "darkness". Marlow's search for Kurtz becomes a search for himself, as he realizes that Kurtz represents a dark reflection of his own soul. The novel explores themes such as colonialism, power, morality and the nature of humanity itself. Conrad's writing is notable for its narrative complexity and its ability to plumb the depths of the human.
The main theme dealt by Joseph Conrad in the book "heart of darkness", is racism.
Racism is an issue that involves discrimination, prejudice based on race or ethnicity. It is a social behavior used to justify unequal treatments and wrong distribution of resources and opportunities among different racial or ethnic groups.
Racism can be both individual and institutional, impacting various aspects of society like education,work, healthcare, and criminal justice. We must fight hard to unroot it from all societies.
By Giulia Bagoli, Oumaima Bomuossaoui, Rebecca Margiani and Nicolò Sabbatini class 3f
Etichette: Scuola e cultura
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